UI + UX Working in agile teams of UX + UI, this was a digital transformation project combining service design and product design for SSE.
Project NewCo
With the goverment encourgaing energy smart meter installations, Project NewCo was SSE’s smart device program. The project was to define experiences for existing SSE customers with smart meters and for future SSE customers who may want to install smart meters.
This mobilisation phase consisted of working in teams of UX/UI in agile, researching existing services that should be explored to help define and enhance the customer experience.
Research included call listening, interviews with staff to understand customer pain points.

Proposed Help & Support page with categorised topics to allow customers to access relevant information quicker.

Homepage explorations to engage and build trust with customers.

In-home experience
Was involved in the early concepts for SSE’s in-home device app. The concepts were to help differentiate their energy usage between gas and electricity with an hourly breakdown.